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Jessica Alampay
Reflections on Life at Home and Abroad

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Jessica Alampay
Jun 1, 20227 min read
Moving Abroad: A Decision 14 Years in the Making
Why did you move abroad? What is a sabbatical? Why Italy? This piece answers some frequently asked questions about the origins of our move.

Jessica Alampay
Apr 28, 20228 min read
Part 2 - Learning Italian in Italy: How We Supported Our Children
With advance planning, taking specific action, and a measure of patience, parents can help children learn a new language.

Jessica Alampay
Apr 22, 20225 min read
On Random Destruction, Gratitude, and Beginning to Write Again
All of my writing so far woven into a single piece. This overview offers a peek into how all of the "pieces" fit together.

Jessica Alampay
Apr 19, 20224 min read
"Italiano Automatico": A Free Online Resource for Studying Italian
The "Italiano Automatico" podcast is one of my favorite (free!) ways to practice Italian online.

Jessica Alampay
Apr 6, 20225 min read
Turin in July
Picture it: A sweltering July in northwest Italy. Turin, famous for being too hot (and humid) in the summer and too cold in the winter...

Jessica Alampay
Apr 1, 20223 min read
Pasta Grannies: A Heartwarming Peek Into Italian Home Kitchens
Pasta Grannies is an incredible reminder of the treasures contained within the minds and hands of the older generations.

Jessica Alampay
Mar 29, 20225 min read
3 Turin Bookstores I Love (and where I found books in English)
Books were an important part of our time in Italy. Take a virtual trip to Turin and check out these three fantastic bookstores.

Jessica Alampay
Mar 25, 20227 min read
Part 1 - Learning Italian In Italy: The Role of Language in Easing Our Transition to Life in Turin
Learning to speak Italian was crucial to our two years in Italy. It transformed our time in Turin, especially for our children.

Jessica Alampay
Mar 21, 20224 min read
A Call from Strasbourg
This ninety-minute conversation took me back to Turin. It was important to share both the peaks and the valleys of our Italian adventure.

Jessica Alampay
Mar 18, 20222 min read
Writing in Turin: Unpacking Two Years with Two Kids in Italy
Why "Writing in Turin"? “If they asked me, I could write a book…” The opening line of a Frank Sinatra song plays in my head whenever...

Jessica Alampay
Apr 29, 20216 min read
For the Love of Gelato
During the two years we spent in Turin our gelato journey led to discoveries that taught us more about the city, about Italy and its people.

Jessica Alampay
May 20, 20201 min read
"Coughing While Asian" a live conversation
I will be taking part in a virtual conversation featuring artist responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jessica Alampay
Apr 30, 20203 min read
Travel is Prohibited, a short film
Soon, this city will come alive, once more. And pristine streets and clear air will be marked with signs of life.

Jessica Alampay
Apr 2, 20209 min read
Packing Up and Confronting Failure: The Emotional Toll of Moving Abroad and the Lessons I Learned
Sorting, tossing, donating, and packing the contents of our home, more often than not, felt like I was sorting the contents of our lives.

Jessica Alampay
Mar 24, 20204 min read
How I'm Making Life in Quarantine Work (with kids)
This new normal has millions of us re-organizing our daily lives to accommodate work, as well as the constant presence of those we live with

Jessica Alampay
Mar 13, 202010 min read
Quarantine in the Time of COVID-19
Sometimes I feel like I'm learning more about the country by staying indoors and reading these exchanges, than I do by going outside.

Jessica Alampay
Mar 9, 20204 min read
Podcast Review | Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Insightful, and endlessly encouraging, Happier leaves out cynicism and criticism, and joyfully celebrates the best of human possibility.

Jessica Alampay
Mar 5, 20206 min read
Learning to Pronounce My Last Name
Years went by, and I accepted the notion that this is what you did when you moved to America: you made things easier for Americans.

Jessica Alampay
Mar 5, 20206 min read
Letter to My Eight-year-old Self
Toss away the comment that you are “not street-smart”. You will be surprised at how intuitive and how forward-thinking you can be. You will

Jessica Alampay
Feb 26, 20201 min read
Why I Write
I write because I have things to say, and stories to tell. I also write because I can't keep things to myself.
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